

The Ocktor Tome Of Medicine

House Ocktor has produced physicians for generations now, and their accomplishments in the realm of the curing arts are innumerable.

A colleciton of their techniques, "The Ocktor Tome Of Medicine," has been called the godsbook of the profession, and there have been no lack of aspirants to glory, both principled and unprincipled, who have sought to claim it.

Sadly, those who envied House Ocktor were legion. In time, they drove the family out of the medical profession with tarnished name, and so was the book of arts lost to the knowledge of man.

That is, until Mack Ocktor, twelfth in the House Ocktor line, discovered the book in a hidden passageway beneath the ruins of the Ocktor Manse. The book is currently in his possession, its secrets once again the property of the family that first committed them to paper.