


Jackknife — A knife small enough to conceal in one's hand, or an enemy's rib cage.

Kris — Your enemy's gasp at the exquisite decorations on the pommel of this knife will be their last.

Khukuri — The fastest weay to a man's heart is his stomach. The curve of this knife's blade makes it easy.

Kard — The slender blade of this knife is keen enough to shave the feathers off a chocobo.

Scramasax — This impressive knife is so large, it's often mistaken for a shortsword.

Rondel — A knife with a unique pommel that prevents wielder's grip from slipping.

Jambiya — A knife with a blade bent back like the horn of a beast, but far sharper.

Swordbreaker — The spike protruding from the guard of this knife is designed to catch an enemy's blade.

Orichalcum Dirk — A knife forged from the legendary metal orichalcum.

Cinquedea — A large knife with a blade shaped like a man's hand.

Zwillblade — Decades of experience went into the forging and tempering at this fine knife.

Tiptaptwo — A knife designed for stabbing and slashing again and again until no enemies remain.

Tonberrian — What better knife to discourage marauding tonberries than one fashioned in the image of their very own.

Dagger — A simple, easy-to-use knife.